One of the obvious-in-retrospect things that happened in the last couple of months was that a large number of people quietly came together in a very private setting where none stood out for their presence and they had themselves a sit-down strategy and policy meeting for how they would all act, in concert, on the first day and in the first hour of the new Presidency. As you look at the results it is obvious.
President Trump put Acting Leaders in place at the very top of most of the die-hard bureaucracies and they acted immediately and serially and in parallel to dismiss the incompetent upper levels and start getting rid of the crooked and incompetents throughout each organization. The President started it with his Executive Order on Acting Leaders and they ran with it and while they were rolling up the kills on people like Fagan and some of the more corrupt FBI, SS and Intel Community types, Elon appears to have been deep in the background or, at the forefront of the campaign that took over the Office of Personnel and Management lock stock and barrel in the first hour of the new administration. I wonder if he's left the building since he took it over......
This was no ragtag feel their way slowly into their new powers and duties scramble, this was men and women, informed by some really sharp lawyers with all their writs ready and targets lists in their hands as they assumed their duties while waiting for the Senate to do its job and confirm the President's desired office holders. I really get a kick out of how this is played out.
The real activity was of course, playing out in the dark and in the various computer networks that actually control the ebb and flow of money, influence and power and while everyone was looking at the skimpily dressed showgirls twirling batons, DOGE took away ALL THE POWER OF THE STATE from the smug arrogant bastards that thought they had us by the balls since they controlled the levers and passwords to the promised land.
As Elon says, they missed a bet and that whole working from home notion is really pretty silly when the real owners show up at the office building and find it dead easy to take control from people that aren't there to put a fight. The flow of our money to our actual enemies is over. That doesn't mean that they aren't going to continue swimming in Olympic pools of $20 and $100 bills because every government and most high power cartels and businesses are already churning out trillions of $ every month in fake US Currency and they have been for the last 45 years.
The author of an Invisible Hand was noted economist Adam Smith. He and the other Smith used a principle of enlightened self-interest to describe a perfect system but my title has more to do with what just happened in the United States, a coup de main which is described a swift attack that relies on speed and surprise and in this case it was used by the actual government of the United States against the fake government of the United States and oh was it a surprise. It does make you think though.
The media is 99.6% controlled by a handful of billionaires and follows their orders to the letter and has an unrivaled reputation for FAILING TO ACTUALLY DO ANY IN DEPTH INVESTIGATION because these sorts of things always turn up the odd connected pedophile who is the friend and banker to all the most wealthy and exclusive democrats and neocons and the billionaires really don't want anyone asking about that but that means that there was NOBODY on the side of the devils out trying to investigate what suddenly took a lot of the most powerful movers and shakers out of the limelight together for a long weekend at some swank conference hotel in downtown Manhattan or possibly even Mar-a-Lago while the easily fooled were misdirected by the sudden new glimpses into the Trumps by a photogenic youngster and missed what was really happening in the other rooms.
There seems to have been quite a few invisible hands working together out there for awhile now. I hope they keep it up for the next 8 to 12 years.
What makes all of this even more wonderful is Trump TOLD them what he was going to do and they still didn't see it coming....
The actions taken since the change of command have surprised & delighted me. I have hope for the future of America!
Trump and his closest advisers have been planning this since November of 2020. Nothing he is doing is impromptu.
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