Friday, September 30, 2022


I really miss San Diego, Encinitas, Carlsbad. A lot. I miss El Camino Real more than you would know. Robertos was there and so was Pick up Stix. Fast wonderful Mexican food and delicious Chinese fast food not at all like anything you could buy in China. I'd say I live in a food desert but I've been there, done that. While this place is arid, it's not a desert. On the other hand, the virus killed off the places of good take-away. We get sushi at Heinens. On the gripping hand, I have most marvelous chef. Life is good.


Hammerbach said...

I grew up in Carlsbad and went away to Bath, Maine. I live In Hampton VA now (guess what I do for a living), and they're all great, but I miss Carlsbad - which hasn't really existed in the form I loved best since about 1985-ish.

HMS Defiant said...

it grew and grew. I have to admit, Solana Beach was a coastal town that never really grew up. Carlsbad went commercial in the 80s.
We quite like Bath, Maine. We always stop there for the museum and maybe a lobster roll but not at this years' prices.

HMS Defiant said...

I lived in Solana Beach and Encinitas and Del Mar Heights and only rarely made it beyond Robertos right there above the nameless beach. I never went to Carlsbad unless I was dealing with Marines. Nothing against it but everything I wanted or needed could be found in Solana Beach or Encinitas.

Hammerbach said...

Small world, innit?

Hammerbach said...

I do miss Roberto's, too.. Should have gone when I was there last year. Not much chance now...