Thursday, July 15, 2021


I think I would enjoy getting together with other codgers and talking about things in general without drawing knives or guns. Perhaps the VFW if it survived the virus. I'll have to see if it still exists. Any of my readers would be most welcome.


Anonymous said...

VFW, Legion Post, gun range, or, in my area, simply around the courthouse square. Always a bunch of fellow old farts hanging out while waiting for their wives to get done spending their money.
No guns nor knives--actually, plenty, but nobody will draw one over a disagreement (might be an Old Timer or Case XX being used to whittle, though). Men of our age aren't that shallow. We're willing to let anybody be wrong, if they prefer it.
--Tennessee Budd

HMS Defiant said...

ah, my town. Shaker has no soul. I could do just as you say and find plenty of good company in any other small town in northeast ohio but my town is an empty suit. I will look around though because there must be something.

Anonymous said...

Has to be. The South is a different place, but rural is always better for friendliness. As usual, the exact opposite of the movie/TV version of the country.
Hell, if I were canoeing & heard banjos, I'd head that way. It's usually some good people camping & making music by the water, 'cause they go well together. Look around! I wish you good fortune.
--Tennessee Budd

HMS Defiant said...

I'm listening to the sweet sound above. You brought back the memories of Department Head School in Newport in the winter of '85 when I was lucky enough to head to housing in Middletown for parties with classmates where everyone brought their instruments and played.

and no, not believing you about the south. I went to Huntsville High School and those things are true. just sayin.

OTGH, never cannoed down there. It was high speed in the dark and the day waterskiing down the Tennessee to Milford and sailing for days at a time with really cute girls. There was no music playing at all.!