Friday, November 1, 2019


I'm sure it has occurred to some people that there may be some truth to the proposition that mankind itself is responsible for rising temperatures somewhere or other. On the other hand some of us who have traveled the world wonder just exactly how does one measure the temperature of the whole earth in the same way we wonder about people who claim that sea levels are rising. How does one measure the rising sea level when the earth is subject to tides from the pull of the sun and the moon and they vary depending on where the moon is in the equation which is why we have spring tides and neap tides.

Nonetheless, I have finally come around to  accept that there is some truth to the man made global warming theory. It's caused by a bunch of lying thieves who have slowly been corrupting the climate databases going back centuries so they can lower the observed temperatures in the past and raise the temperatures as they come closer to the present time and by carefully including all the data from sensors in the various heat islands while discarding or massaging the more pristine wilderness sensor observations.

So it is clear to me now that if global warming is man made, it's made entirely with pencils, erasers and computers.


selsey.steve said...

Here's one way that Global Warming is caused:-

selsey.steve said...

Anthony Watts, at has done a survey of US weather stations, mostly with volunteers.Go to his site, click on 'About' and then 'Publications and Projects'.

virgil xenophon said...

Curtis, you've JUST NOW "come around?" What rock have you been living under kind sir? A belated welcome to the climate "wokedom" party--if only years late.. :)

Captain Steve said...

Got it one!! Not that facts matter to the "True Believers".

capt fast said...

after much research, the true generation of greenhouse gasses is discovered.
1. Plants inhale CO2 and exhale O2. CO2; a known greenhouse gas.
2. Vegetarians eat plants and outgas methane. ask any cow.
3. Carnivores and omnivores eat plant eaters and do not outgas methane.
4. Vegetarians cause global warming.

capt fast said...

then again, it is known that by giving all your money to the government will prevent global warming because you won't be able to afford to purchase food at the local supermarket thereby causing the distinct reduction of methane outgassing.

HMS Defiant said...

I've been reading Watts Up With That since he started. I didn't need any convincing on the subject. Unlike the idiot believers, I've actually traveled around the whole earth. They have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Spend 13 hours flying at 600 knots over the Pacific from rim to rim and tell me again how man is raising the temperature of the planet?????
I particularly enjoyed his in depth look at some of the weather stations the 'believers' use in their arguments supporting their arguments for global warming, and let's remember, Gore started out as a Warmist and it wasn't until they had to face up to the failure of the world to conform to their 'beliefs' that it turned into 'Climate Change'; but seeing one weather station in a black top parking lot with the HVAC duct blowing right on it was kind of an eye opener. I probably included a picture of that one in a post from about the beginning of this blog.

HMS Defiant said...

No no, of course not. I just thought it was amusing to put forward the only way I see any sign of man made global warming. In the navy we used to call it 'pencil whipping' the data. It amounted to lying by notation or failure to notate. In that realm it was most often encountered in preventive maintenance reporting.

HMS Defiant said...

There's a wonderful series of 'actualization videos' where they mocked along these lines the silly vegetarians and their idiotic beliefs. I'll have to repost it.

HMS Defiant said...

Viz the give your money to the govt to reduce global warming, they say the same thing about plastic bags and they get away with it because they can point to rotting filthy diseased rat-infested neighborhood type places that have thousands of plastic shopping bags drifting around and so they decide to ban them all, everywhere. Of course suburbia has about zero such bags floating around but that doesn't matter because our laws now cater to the stupidest and lowest denominator.
I've become accustomed now to seeing the older kids enroute to/from schools along my block just drop litter as soon as they've consumed the good part. They just toss it aside as they walk down the sidewalk-or middle of the road since some are too stupid to walk on the sidewalk. They same crew toss litter out of their cars because they don't even think to use a trash can. I think they stopped teaching that in schools and I don't think a cop has fined anybody for littering since Alice's Restaurant.

virgil xenophon said...
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virgil xenophon said...

Yeah that term is well known to this ex zoomie, as is using the "fat pencil" to achieve one's own personal reality. :)

capt fast said...

State of Colorado littering fine: $1000.00 per incident. usually on the highways. unmarked state trooper with a dash cam on makes a fortune for the state coffers. they just follow the idiots for a while and after a few burger wrappers at a grand a pop hits the deck they pulls them over...

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

They eat vegetation, and exhaust methane? How Like Them!