Saturday, September 21, 2019


This is the full tenured professor formerly of Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington talking about where intersectionality is inevitably taking us as a nation. It bears thinking about.

He is basically saying that forcing a given group of people back up against the wall will inevitably result in them pulling together, unifying and acting together in their own common interest and the enemy has made themselves apparent by being the ones that forced them up against the wall. Given the group in question, I wouldn't want to be the ones they perceive to be the enemy when that group decides it is time to act in their own interest.

Most of the people doing the pushing don't know that. To hear the antifa rioters bleat, they kind of suspect what is going to happen as they continue to push but then look at the imagery of your actual antifa rioter wearing all the old symbols of communist parties everywhere and recall the 1920s and 30s in Germany as the socialists fought the communists in the streets for ultimate power. We know who won. Tell you who didn't win, the communists and yet here they are eager to make war and make the peaceful men and women of America suffer from their inability to keep from yielding to the mad impulse to riot, attack police cars, harmless journalists and innocent store fronts.

There is an old expression, "Oft evil will shall evil mar." Today, the antifa and intersectionalists are the orcs but they don't know it. They are industriously creating the conditions to bring about exactly what they are supposedly fighting so hard to prevent.


SCOTTtheBADGER said...

It really is fascinating, the attraction that evil has for the left. It is part, I suppose of the totalitarian mindset of the immature, who have yet to realize that there are other people in the world, that may not agree with them. Like children, that want to destroy those who do not give them what they want, now.

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

Orcs they are, and like the orcs, they are being cruelly used, by those who will not care, when the West rises against them.

SL said...

I shall name my M1-A, Glamdring, Foe-hammer.

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

Five years ago, I bought a SIG P-250C/45, as a birthday present to myself. Of course, I named it "Precious ".

Captain Steve said...

Interesting and scary. I thought overwrought, until the latest event wherein the lefties want to impeach the President for doing far less than their leading candidate has bragged about doing in the Ukraine. These people are not truly ratinal as I understand the term.

HMS Defiant said...

Pretty much. The left seems to find everything its elite do is just fine and that includes monsters like Epstein and Weinstein right up until the media is no longer in a position to cast shade over their activities and even then, as with Polanski, they keep right on lurving them and thinking they dindu nuffin and was good boys really. OTOH, they hate those who disagree with them with a passioin. They can't just live and let live. They have to destroy anybody that fails to agree with them.

HMS Defiant said...

I remember in the last presidential campaign Bernie gave a speech behind a podium somewhere that had a big white hand print on the front of it. He basically proclaimed himself an orc of Saruman who was, after all, just working for the best for the people, the ones that survived his orcs.

HMS Defiant said...

I need to get one. I'll call it sting.

HMS Defiant said...

They are bughouse crazy and I'm kind of laughing. They simply don't accept that Trump is about 6 x smarter than they are and reads the board a good 10 moves into the future. If he doesn't see it, one of the very smart consiglierri he has, does see it coming. I don't feel any sympathy for the Reps facing an overwhelming red district. They are spending their last days in Congress if they go along with impeachment and they're screwed if they don't knuckle under to Pelosi.

capt fast said...

very interesting, thanks. was wondering if anyone else sees this coming. the young in antifa should protest the poor education they are receiving in university. there is only so many restaurant server and dishwasher positions available. perhaps they should try a trade school.