Tuesday, November 26, 2024


 If there is any truth at all to the rumor that President Trump will order the expulsion of all trans members of the military on Day One of his second administration, the idiotic powers-that-be better be notified a little in advance so that they can issue their own warning orders to make sure that those people are locked down before they can burn, purge and destroy the ships, aircraft and computer networks they have access to now. Will this happen? I don't think so but the damage that mentally deranged people with access to high explosives, root passwords and lighters can inflict on an unsuspecting and unprepared military cannot be dismissed. A handful of people could do more damage to the United States then the Japanese did at Pearl Harbor.


Justin_O_Guy said...

It irks me to no end to realize I had so totally failed to see an Obvious threat. I just read that That is the plan and thought, Well, that, ditching DEI, really Otta help with recruiting And make our Military a lot stronger. Didn't even consider how the mentally ill would respond.
Now I'm a little pisstawff if Trump didn't alert the, ohh,crap,, the people he needed to alert are part of the problem.
I guess there's just not a smart way to smack a hornets nest.

Anonymous said...

It's a win-win, really.

(1) The mentally ill go away w/o a fuss: win.

(2) The mentally ill cause a ruckus & PROVE they were mentally ill: win.

Fredrick said...

The army had been warned about Major Hasan @ Fort Hood many times. It didn't help.

HMS Defiant said...

Men who rise to command armies never really care about the lives of the men that fight and certainly don't care about their families. It's a kind of brutal reality that the 21st and much of the 20th centuries dedicated themselves to forgetting. All Empires were created and maintained by men who could not care less about what the cost was so long as it was paid in full. It is Empires that count the cost before a penny-pinching weak and feeble commitment to maintain itself that fail. You simply look around now at who is and has been running the militaries of the former imperial powers (not Russia) and you can see it plain as day. They will rush to sacrifice prosperity, health and happiness but simply won't even consider a fight. They cannot even begin to imagine a fight.