Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 We have seen just how broken the SS is in the last few weeks. There isn't much doubt about their massive incompetence and serial indifference to protecting the life of the man both the FBI and inJustice Department are pursuing on a variety of farcical charges but there is perhaps method to the indifferent, lackadaisical, incompetence on display. 

Zelensky is coming to America to make another grovel for advanced weapons he cannot afford, Ukraine cannot maintain or repair and which doesn't have the manpower with the training and background to make use of them. So anyway, mister super PNG with that ogre Putin is going to climb into an aircraft (perhaps a Boeing product?), fly to the United States, grovel, beg and plead all over Washington, DC and other well healed places where the elite live who can scrape billions of $ out of monsters like Zelensky and where he will be ferociously guarded by the SS and others of that stamp and presuming he survives their inattention, will climb back into some airplane and take wing for the Continent.

I really don't know what will happen and neither do I care very much. I see Putin has ordered the Nation to make significant increases to the Red Army and Forces because he sees obvious signs that idiot NATO scum are lining up to attack Russia with long-range weapons and then gasp and pretend that it wasn't them, no, it was Zelensky and Ukraine!!!!!

So the question I have is, does Putin want the war to go on for another year or two or does he want it to end?  The obvious and easiest way to end it would be to tag Zelensky while he's doing his best Kamala imitation in the US. The way things work with the brain-dead DC elite is that a Russian assassin using the cover of the Red Army Chorus or a French marching band could sneak up behind Zelensky and shoot him or just slip him a little dose of polonium with his soup or maybe via the ferule on an umbrella without anybody at all noticing. The Russians are really good at this sort of thing and even if they get caught and held by our doofus hooligan bureaucrats all Putin will need to do to get them back is scrape up another trans athlete visiting Russia with 42 ounces of fentanyl in her bag and offer to trade it back to US for all the Russians involved and even the French marching band if he adopts an aggressive bargaining position that involves some shoe-banging.

I for one would not fly on the same plane as Zelensky, ever. In fact, I wouldn't want to be in the sky within a thousand miles of Zelensky's airplane.


Michael said...

Napoleon Quote: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

The cokehead has been useful in making mostly predictable errors.

Also, Putin has ALWAYS made great effort to show Rule of Law to the world as a contrast to America's I SAID SO rules.

Assassination of a world leader isn't part of Rule of Law. That's why its part and parcel of Israel and USA's bag "O tricks. Ask the Iranians about that.

HMS Defiant said...

Well, I suspect he’s actually at way more risk from his fellow misrules of Ukraine.

boron said...

what a neat way for Volodymyr Oleksandrovych to just disappear

Stefan said...

"her" bag?