Monday, September 16, 2024


 We're back to the math of tragedies. We are counting on the Secret Service to get it right every single time and the enemy only has to get it right once. That is the kind of thing that leads one to despair. It's like hoping you have some part of the new Boeing that worked even half as well as the old Boeing before it left Seattle.

Intellectually we all know and accept that the Secret Service is there to make it more difficult to shoot the Presidents but we also know that short of the most drastic measures, a determined enemy will always makes it way through to the target. Wasn't that Day of the Jackal and all those other thrillers from the 60's and 70s always showed? It would be nice if the SS put forth more of an effort to protect President Trump than it does to assist the DHS in settling Haitian migrants in little Ohio cities but there is absolutely no evidence of that happening.

The sheer hate and contempt exhibited by the media and democrats for the Republic, for Trump and for the people who happen to dislike what the Left is and are in this country is kind of breathtaking. They seem totally unaware of how they come across to those of us who are sane. They sound evil and malevolent and even were one to catch them and get them to reflect about what they're saying and what they obviously believe, there would be no changing their minds. This is what indoctrination looks like. This is why it is so difficult to pry true believers away from any cult no matter how bizarre it is.

It is amazing that it has come to this. Some organization is setting these vicious losers up to kill. It would be helpful if some trustworthy organization with credibility looked into it and reported back to us.


Duke of URL VFM#391 said...

"Some organization is setting these vicious losers up to kill."
cough Soros/DNC cough

boron said...

and Gates and Schwab and I wish I had the name of every Progressive/Socialist/whatevery'wannacall'em European, East Asian, MiddleEasterner, South/Central American who are financing these brainless robots, not just to murder The Donald, but to destroy our Republic ByAnyMeanPossible.

Dan said...

The left doesn't "sound" evil and malevolent. They ARE evil and malevolent. And the sooner Americans realize this and start acting appropriately in response to this fact the more there will be of America to salvage.