Friday, September 27, 2024


 I think one of the things that the East got used to after a time was accepting that there were simply saboteurs working in every part of industry, the military and even in things like education and medicine. I have long accepted the fact that they dominate in education these days but it wasn't until the rise and broad acceptance of DIE that I came to accept that the American Hate they have been spewing unchecked for 3 generations now has invariably led to the infiltration of haters at every level in industry and government.

I thought the communists were bad but these people are worse. They took over at the top in Boeing and then those people ensured that at every level the company was penetrated by people indifferent to safety and they proudly underachieved at every task. They simply didn't do proper welding, they didn't do proper QA checks, they skimped on materials ordered and accepted cheap and shoddy substitutes and then they passed it all off as just what Americans deserve.

I accepted a long time ago that American Shipyards were simply the worst shipyards in the world. I don't have much experience since I only suffered through Todd Shipyard in Seattle for 9 miserable months in a yard so uniformly awful and dishonest that we were the very last USN warship that ever pulled in for work. The last government contract was in alongside us in the other drydock and it turns out to be one of the USCG Polar Ice Breakers. That ship was quite broken when it arrived and got knocked over on its beam ends coming into the Strait to get into Seattle and lost a sailor in a fall on the Bridge.

I also spent some months in a Southwest Marine shipyard in San Diego as the Overhaul manager and found that staying on top of them was a 24/7 day job or they'd be happy to burn without firewatches, paint the hull in the rain, sandblast the ship in drydock next to me without mitigating the blast and grit getting into my ship. I compared that to yard appearances in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and the differences were like night and day in terms of professionalism and attitude towards the work and that was a long time ago.

So it now appears that the saboteurs don't merely set fires and burn ships to the waterline, they also deliberately perform inferior welds on things like submarines.

I don't know what it will take to turn this around. If we have reached that level of profound despair and failure that slapped down the Soviet Union then it's going to take some very hard times. As I recall, before the fall the workers there and in the Eastern Bloc used to say, "we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us." I think we've reached that point now. In the Soviet Union you knew the end was nigh because vodka was almost free and widely available. Here? Well here it is a bit concerning that the most lethal and dangerous substances on earth find their way into drugs that are almost free, widely available and distributed with the help and concurrence of the government and the Karens.

On the other hand, this is the best of all possible worlds. OTGH, I'll probably much less concerned if I stay away from X. Maybe I should do that and not peer too closely at the sausage apparatus. Sweeping world changes don't happen in a vacuum.


Trumpeter said...

Don't worry, I just read the Navy has plans for a sweeping overhaul and reorganization to achieve results by 2027 so we can go to war with China. It shouldn't take much more than a snap of the fingers to fix this. Sarc off.

Chris Nelson said...

Navy has already run aground.

Toxicavenger said...

You continue to quote from "Mote in God's Eye" by Niven/Pournelle...most excellent !!!