Sunday, February 14, 2021


I listened a lot to the music of the past. It raises memory but also puts it to sleep and tucks it into bed. My reach exceeds my grasp. I make a real effort to forget some music. It kind of forces an old man to raise new music up and hear it for the first time and no, I'm not talking classics. There is still and always will be music I hear that takes me right back to Paris or San Diego when I was a bachelor knight. Pretty harmless. To evoke is the compelling magic of music. Sometimes it is better to let all the sleeping dragons doze away the afternoon. I used to listen to talk radio driving up the 5. It was a 50 mile ride home and John and Ken could wile away the hours. Driving up the 5 to the ends of the earth was harder. FM range doesn't compare with AM range. I enjoyed many of the hours when wossname used to talk the night away and sometimes have the deer in the backseat safe in his bunker somewhere near Las Vegas. My music has changed just now to the one from Fort Riley long ago when I misheard the words. I frequently do that.


OldAFSarge said...

Music is the fuel which keeps me sane. The music from when I was young to the music of my advanced years. It's all good, most of it is rock and roll, but yes, there's some classical in there, a hymn or two, and the music of the Highlands.

Music keeps me alive.

(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

Music wise, I'm with the OAF Sarge.

Were you referring to Larry King, or Art Bell?
I listened to both, because AM.

HMS Defiant said...

Ah, you heard me, I didn't leave my house in Encinitas until well after midnight as I would head to San Jose. She would have preferred me to keep flying. It was roughly about then I lost the knack for flying. I like driving and it was a very nice convertible mercedes and in most of the months, I could drive it with the top down and back then there was nobody else on the 5 at 3 or 5 in the morning. I had the road and the milky way above me to myself. This was long ago and the state let 5 turn to shit which makes it axle braking potholes. Back then we still had Republican governors in the state and they made an attempt to maintain the roads.

And of course, it was Art Bell in his secret bunker that seemed to keep moving over the years. His show was a marvel for keeping a tired man awake and focused on the trip from san diego to san jose. Even then, music made me sleep and was way to dangerous to listen to on that long straight drive. Once you cleared the Grape Vine it was rolling boredom except for the milky way stretched over me. And drivers are really supposed to keep their eyes on the know, in order to see the cops before they see you speeding.....

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

Coast to Coast is a strange, but highly entertaining show!