Tuesday, July 24, 2018


If you were crazy and barking at the moon and it sank slowly behind a hill leaving you nothing to bark at there is this from the people that think the Hugo Award in Science Fiction means anything at all anymore.

I warn you, viewing the link could lead to drain bamage of the first odor.

I have to wonder, when did the creatures in the swamp crawl out and take over Miami and New York? I mean, I get Miami but what  happened to New York?


Anonymous said...

The linked thread indeed makes your head hurt. As in the people writing (and complaining) are more speculative than their work. They deal inephemeral works for the self-involved. My only suggestion is to read some classics.

Beans said...

Make their heads explode. Hijack the printing presses and have "Starship Troopers" exerts put in all their books "accidentally."

Clean-up squad in 3... 2... 1...

HMS Defiant said...

It's amazing how they moved from nowhere, to taking complete control of the so-called fan base of science fiction.

HMS Defiant said...

Their little heads explode at the very first sign of Heinlein. It is amazing to watch but I wouldn't pay to see it.