Sunday, December 23, 2012


I'm kind of coasting this week but here is a nice picture of a print I bought long ago from the Toledo Art Museum of all places. Inspired to post somehow by a trip today to Mount Vernon and a visit to the old Post Office in Washington DC yesterday which revealed the news that Trump has bought the building and plans to gut the insides and turn it into a posh hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue where the elite can meet to eat, sleep and be indiscreet as the fancy takes them. Currently there are extensive bleachers set up on the Pennsylvania Avenue side of the building for watching the coming prelude to the second apocalypse. The Park ranger said that the old tower and bells would remain intact and open to the public and that the new owners mustn't change the facade of the building.

Resurrecting digital images of my copy would take me so long to figure out how to copy files from a backup hard drive that it would take less time for me to drive to San Diego, retrieve the computers in question and drive back here with them. In short, only dire necessity would force me that far. This was taken from the Britannica Online Encyclopedia pages.

Defiant moors here late at night and heads back out very early before the sun rises.

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