Thursday, December 1, 2022


 I'm not. A reputable thermometer says it 59 in here. I'm afraid I'm one of those bloggers. It doesn't even begin to feel cold. On the gripping hand, there is no wind.

Perhaps Europe will survive the winter after all.


boron said...

I'd've put the period after "survive" highlighting the word "Perhaps".
Could always make a song of it.

Anonymous said...

You're telling me somebody did.

Now it's 63 in here. I just turned on this computer and it's ice cold.

Me? I'm quite fine. As I said, as long as there is no wind, there is no real cold. The wind is the killer..........oh akay, and the wolves.

FeralFerret said...

Be glad you don't have Renauds disease. If my hands get below 70 degrees, the circulation shuts down and they turn white. When this happens, I have to warm my hands up before putting the gloves on or put hand warmers in the gloves. Without circulation there is no heat for the gloves to trap.