Sunday, June 13, 2010

I stopped reading philosophy with Kant's "On the Beautiful and Sublime" I read a lot of philosophy. Those giant minds missed out on the simple reductions of those who have and those that have not. The US took care of Europe since WWI. We are so over those nasty drains on the fisc. Screw them.

What war devolves to is that those who view people/countries that are richer than them will see that the rich have let down the defenses and seek to move in and take away some of that wealth for themselves because they think they can get away with it..

They thought that they could get away with it.

Everybody has piled up so much debt, trillions of $; so finding the wealth hidden in the murk is getting harder. Well, it's still there. Would not want to be Russia right now. Driving back to resource sources alone of wealth production. Kind of like Spain when it brought back all the Aztecs and Incas had from the new world. The bankers and international financiers have left nothing but trash so once again the pirates are going to stalk the real wealth.

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