Tuesday, September 20, 2016


My little sister stands on that ground. Breast cancer. She asked for my help today in a message that I didn't read until late in the evening. She needed heavy lifting assistance. I stepped over and she told me that her husband was back from Berlin and they could handle it.

She asked about rabies and asked what the cure was. There is no cure.


Captain Steve said...

Very sorry about your sister. Sure hope all turns out well.

HMS Defiant said...

She's tough. She is going in for more surgery this week. I share your hope. After a while I became a chief engineer so superstition comes naturally. I never tempt fate or the Gods. I know better.

OldAFSarge said...

Prayers for your sister Cap'n.

HMS Defiant said...

Thanks, as I said, I don't ever tempt fate or the Gods. She can do that. She writes children's books although she is the slowest writer this side of the Gununga Gap.