Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Meet the Press, have tried to set the record straight:
NBC: Very quickly before I let you go. As you well know, there is a debt ceiling vote on the horizon. Will Republicans let this country go into default?
SEN. PAUL: I think it’s irresponsible of the president and his men to even talk about default. There is no reason for us to default. We bring in $250 billion in taxes every month, our interest payment is $20 billion. Tell me why we would ever default. We have legislation called the full faith and credit act and it tells the president, you must pay the interest on the debt. So this is a game. This is kind of like closing the World War II memorial. They all get out on TV and they say, we’re going to default. They’re the ones scaring the marketplace. We should never default.
I know I know. We kind of expect the Attorney General to uphold justice, not fight against it and we kind of expect the Secretary of the Treasury to pay our debts and not deliberately fail to pay them. You know he will though.

Me? I'm OK with this circus going on until Obama's term ends since with the Senate fully engaged in gridlock they cannot pass any other legislation and add to the damage already done. That works for me, and I figure the Park Rangers and Department of Interior will gain enough experience putting up real man-stopping barricades and laying in effective mine fields to keep the citizens out of the parks over the next 3 years that they'll have an in-depth understanding of how to secure the nation's southern border in a few years time.

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